I started this blog on my 80th birthday, 22 April 2009. Mostly this blog is the result of mining my hard drive, which contains stuff I have written dating back to 1939. (No, I didn't have a hard drive back then, but I have since keyed in hard copy.). I have been trying to include a variety of kinds of content. Categories now include: autobiography, drama, economics, essay, fable, futures studies, humor, poetry, politics, satire, short stories, and stuff to think about.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Dick, Jane, and Joe: My New First Reader

Dick. Jane. See Dick. See Jane. Smack. See smack. See Dick shoot up. See Dick shoot up smack. Dick tells Jane: "Shoot up. Shoot up, Jane. Shoot up smack, Jane." Jane tells Dick: "Smack is bad. I do not shoot up. I do not like to shoot up. I do not shoot up smack."

Joe. Jane likes Joe. Joe tells Jane: "I need to come. Hold my dick." Jane likes Joe. Jane holds Joe's dick. See Joe come. Now Joe likes Jane. See Joe come. See Jane come.

Now Joe does not like Jane. Jane tells Joe: "I will hold your dick." Joe tells Jane: "Do not hold my dick. I do not like you." See Joe smack Jane. See Joe run. Jane is very sad. See Jane cry. Jane feels very bad.

Dick sees Jane feels very bad. Dick tells Jane: "Shoot up smack. You will not feel bad. You will be very glad." Jane tells Dick. "I will not give you cash." Dick tells Jane: "Do not give me cash. I will give you smack. I do not need your cash." Jane feels very bad. Dick gives Jane smack. Jane shoots up. See Jane shoot up. See Jane shoot up smack. Now Jane is high. Now Jane is not sad. See Dick shoot up smack. See Jane shoot up smack. Dick is glad.

Now Jane is sad. Jane has no smack. Jane sees Dick. Jane sees Dick has smack. Jane sees Dick holds smack. Dick sells smack. Jane sees Dick sells smack. Dick sees Jane. Dick sees Jane has no smack. Jane has cash. Dick sees Jane has cash. See Dick sell smack to Jane. See Jane give cash to Dick. Now Jane is glad. Now Jane has smack. See Jane shoot up. See Dick shoot up. Now Jane is high. Now Dick is high.

Now Jane is not high. Now Jane is sad. Now Jane needs smack. Dick has smack. Jane has no smack. Jane tells Dick: "Give me smack." Dick tells Jane: "Give me cash." Jane has no cash. Jane tells Dick: "I have no cash." Dick tells Jane: "I will not give you smack." Jane is sad. Jane is very sad. Jane feels bad. Jane feels very bad. Jane cries. See Jane cry. Jane asks Dick: "How can I get smack?" Dick tells Jane: "Get cash." Jane asks Dick: "How can I get cash?" Dick tells Jane: "See Joe." Jane tells Dick: "Yes, I see Joe." Dick tells Jane: "See Joe's dick." Jane tells Dick: "I do not see Joe's dick." Dick tells Joe: "Show Jane your dick." Joe shows Jane his dick. Joe tells Jane. "I will give you cash. Hold my dick. I will give you cash." Jane tells Joe: "I will not hold your dick. That is bad. You do not like me. If you like me, I will hold your dick." Joe tells Jane: "I do not like you. I will not give you my cash." Jane needs smack. Jane feels very bad. Jane cries. See Jane cry. Jane tells Joe: "If I do not have smack I feel I will die." Joe tells Jane: "If you hold my dick I will give you cash." See Jane cry. Jane feels very bad. Jane needs smack. Jane tells Joe: "Yes, I will hold your dick if you will give me cash." Joe tell Jane: "Yes, I will give you cash if you will hold my dick." Jane holds Joe's dick. See Joe come. Jane did not come. Jane tells Joe: "Give me cash now. I need smack." Joe says: "I will not give you cash." See Joe smack Jane. See Joe run. See Jane cry.

Jane tells Dick: "I have no cash. Joe did not give me cash. I need smack. How can I get smack? I feel very bad. If I do not get smack, I will die." Dick tells Jane: "Joe has cash. Hold up Joe. Tell Joe 'Give me your cash.'" Jane tells Dick. "I will not hold up Joe. Joe will smack me. Joe will shoot me." Dick tells Jane: "I have smack. If you sell my smack, I will give you some smack to shoot up." Jane says: "That is bad. I do not sell smack." Dick tells Jane: "If you do not sell my smack, I will not give you some to shoot up." Jane cries. Jane tells Dick: "I will hold your dick if you give me some smack." Dick tells Jane: "I have smack. I do not need my dick. I do not need you to hold my dick." Jane cries. Jane tells Dick: "I feel very bad. If I do not have smack I will die. I will sell your smack if you will give me some to shoot up." Dick gives Jane some smack. Dick tells Jane: "Sell my smack. If you sell my smack, I will give you some to shoot up."

See Jane. Now Jane has smack. Jane needs to shoot up. See Jane shoot up. Now Jane is high. Dick sees Jane. Dick sees Jane is high. Dick comes to Jane. Dick tells Jane: "Give me my cash." Jane tells Dick: "I do not have cash." Dick tells Jane: "Give me my smack." Jane tells Dick: "I do not have your smack." See Dick shoot Jane. See Jane die.

Creative Commons License Dick, Jane, and Joe: My New First Reader by H. G. Gerjuoy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

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Contents - To access an item, enter its URL in your Web browser's address box

  • autobiography: http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/04/autobiography-guilt-edged-bonds.html
  • drama: "Street Crime": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/street-crime.html
  • Economics: Comments on macroeconomic theory: http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/06/comments-on-macroeconomic-theory.html
  • essays: http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/essays.html
  • fable: "Old Father Jonas": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/06/old-father-jonas.html
  • future studies: "The Most Significant Events of the Next Thousand Years": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/04/most-significant-events-of-next.html
  • http://nexialistics-poetry.blogspot.com/2009/07/i-started-this-blog-on-my-80th-birthday.html
  • humor: "Self-Improvement: Become an Expert Consultant": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/06/self-improvement-become-expert.html
  • poetry: 1st decade: http://nexialistics-poetry.blogspot.com/2009/07/i-started-this-blog-on-my-80th-birthday.html
  • poetry: 2nd decade: http://nexialistics-poetry.blogspot.com/2009/08/2nd-decade.html
  • poetry: 3rd decade: http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/3rd-decade.html
  • poetry: Poetry Index: http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/index.html
  • politics: Theodore Roosevelt's speech: http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/Theodore-Roosevelts-speech.html
  • satire: "Dick, Jane, and Joe; My New First Reader": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/06/Dick-Jane-And-Joe-My-New-First-Reader.html
  • short story: "After the Oakland Hills Fire": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/07/after-oakland-hills-fire.html
  • short story: "Catastrophe Insurance": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/catastrophe-insurance.html
  • short story: "Harry": http;//nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/harry.html
  • short story: "Palimpsest": http://nexialistics.blogspot.com/2009/05/palimpsest.html


About Me

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West Hartford, Connecticut, United States
I have taught in college or university departments of business, computer science, economics, management, mathematics, psychology, public administration, social science, social work, and statistics. Research interests include development of computer programs for analyzing an individual's semantic space, laying the groundwork for intercommunication about "private" affect; interactions of mind, body, and universe. I have about 200 professional publications and papers at major scientific meetings. Current projects include: participation in and support of practice and study of Nonviolent Communication, helping organize and support Network of Spritual Progressive activities, participation in prostate cancer support, and participation in Kehilat Chaverim, a volunteer cooperative rabbi-less and synagogue-less Jewish congregation. I am currently writing a new gender-neutral and non-tribal Jewish prayer book.